As you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. As with many of our families, breast cancer has touched my life through family and friends who have battle this disease. There have been such strides in our medical community in battling breast cancer, giving the women and men who receive this life changing diagnosis a strong chance of beating it.
I would like our students and staff to honor those whose lives have been touched by breast cancer by having a Breast Cancer Awareness PINK Week. Starting on Monday, October 25th students and staff will have the opportunity to raise money for Breast Cancer research through a Pink Non-Uniform day and purchasing popsicles at lunch.
In addition, we would like to honor those family members and friends of our OLSOS families who have been touch by breast cancer in our daily morning prayers. To do this are asking families to send in names of family members and friends you would like us to include in our Special Intentions during our prayer time. These names will be read as people special to our family community who were affected in some way by breast cancer – no indication of families who sent names in will be used. You can send these names to Mrs. Schomer at
Below is the schedule for the week:
Breast Cancer Awareness PINK Week – Monday, Oct. 25 – Friday, Oct 29 we will be having a PINK week for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Monday, Oct. 25th – students can pay $1 or more for a non-uniform day – students must wear something PINK (no hats)
Tuesday, Oct. 26th – Thursday, Oct. 28th – students will wear their uniforms but they can ADD PINK to their uniforms (ie. pink sweatshirt, pink shirt, pink socks, pink tie, hairbow etc.)
Every day during lunch students can purchase popsicles for $0.50
We would love for you to encourage your student to join us in this great week, honoring those affected by breast cancer and raising money to help keep the progress in fighting this disease.