Thank you all for your patience and understanding as we work hard to explore different options for continuing to offer the very valuable service of afternoon latchkey, Kids Club, to our school families. While we continue to search for permanent latchkey staffing, many of our teachers have stepped forward to help work in our latchkey room. We are so blessed to have such wonderful teachers and staff willing to extend their workday to help our school families. Due to the generosity of our teachers and staff, our Kids Club program will be available for families at the beginning of our school year, starting on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, as originally scheduled. Since we will be utilizing our teachers as our latchkey staff, we want to be respectful of the long day the teachers will be at school so, until we are able to find permanent latchkey staff, our latchkey hours will be from afterschool until 5:30pm. We have been so blessed in previous years with such wonderful latchkey staff. We pray God leads us to new compassionate and caring individuals to work in our latchkey program again. God bless our Star community! Mrs. Meghan Carter-Waid - Principal