Our Lady Star of the Sea School Families,
In last week’s Sailor’s Corner, we provided a link to an Archdiocese of Detroit (AoD) information sheet regarding available tuition assistance opportunities. We strongly encourage incoming kindergarten through eighth grade families to review that information and apply for tuition assistance. Last year, Our Lady Star of the Sea (OLSOS) school families benefited from over $18,000 in tuition assistance grants received through this program. While there is a nominal, per family fee to apply, the potential benefits to families and the school are tremendous.
The deadline for submission is February 28, 2025. There is also a pastor verification letter that must be received in the Parish Office no later than noon on February 28th.
A link to the AoD Tuition Assistance website, which includes links to both the FACTS-based application and the required pastor verification letter, is provided HERE.
In addition to the AoD Tuition Assistance Grant program, there are three other assistance opportunities available to kindergarten through eighth grade OLSOS families.
As mentioned in the opening paragraph, the starting point for access to these resources is to apply for assistance through the AoD tuition assistance program. This will help us both take full advantage of AoD funds and best determine how to distribute other funds to families in greatest need.
Thank you, as always, for choosing Catholic School for your children. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to either the main school office at 313-884-1070 or the parish business office at 313-884-5554.
Steven N. Carozza
Business & Facilities Manager
313-884-5554 ext. 2021