The curriculum is centered on richly learning and living the Sacraments. As the Holy Spirit's grace guides the students through a deeper knowledge of the sacraments, their faith will be strengthend and they will develop a deeper realtionship with Jesus. To enhance the learning, stundents will also study common prayers of the Catholic church like the Act of Contrition and the Mysteries of the Roasry.
The mathematics curriculum takes a deeper look into computation with whole numbers as well as devloping more advanced knowledge of decimals and fractions. Students perform multi-digit whole number operations with decimals to the hundredths and use equivalent fractions as a streatgy to add and subtract fractions. As knowledge progresses, students begin to analyze numerical patterns and solve complex word problems as well as build on prior knowlege of measuerment conversion, interpreting data, exploring volume, calculating area, classifing geometric figures, and applying their understanding of angles.
SCIENCE: Students utilize inquiry based lessons and hand-on appraoch to explore properties of matter and affects of motion, the stuctures and function of plants and animales, the water cycle, weather and climate, cloud and precipitation formation, and the study of our universe. To ensure the students' scienfic experience is complete they will learning how to collect and interpret data, methods to perform investigations, and how to support their conclusions. They also learn how to use the steps of the design process to plan, make, test, and evaluate new products.
Language Arts
Students continue to develop independent reading skills while also benefiting from shared and guided reading through a wide-range of genres. Group discussions enhance comprehension and the love of reading, while contributing to the beginnings of the writing process and their ability to use various parts of speech and conventions of English. The students develop and write fiction and nonfiction essays, expository, narrative, persuasive, poetry, biography and autobiography pieces. Through practice they have a firm grasp of draft, revise, and the edit processes and well as the reinforcement of writing mechanics. To ensure a well-rounded Language Arts experience, the implementation of vocabulary development and spelling skills is enforced by word exposure, word usage, and word relationship and meaning, which often is practiced through interactive games and multisensorial strategies.
Social Studies
Students are introduced to the history of the United States from beginning to present day with the incorporation of regions, climate, culture and economy. They use charts, graphs, timelines, maps, diagrams and data graphics along with digital presentations and hands on projects to enhance the learning experience .