This year has gone by so quickly – we can not believe we are already talking about Confirmation and Graduation for your sons and daughters. These two special ceremonies are significant moments to be cherished and celebrated in your children’s lives. We are so proud to be a part of these wonderful events with your student.
In effort to honor the solemnity of these two special ceremonies, the Religion and School Leadership Teams have decided to have our eighth students wear Confirmation/Graduation Robes over their church clothes for these two events. For Confirmation, the confirmation candidates will be wearing red robes and for Graduation our Star graduates will be wearing white robes. Star will be providing the Confirmation and Graduation robes to the students to wear during the ceremonies. The students will wear their Confirmation/Graduation attire to church and will put the robe over their clothing at the church. The robes will be returned to the church after the ceremonies.
We ask that the students continue to plan on wearing appropriate Confirmation/Graduation attire under their robe. You will find Star’s Confirmation Dress Code HERE. This dress code can be used as a guideline for Graduation apparel as well.
Further detailed Confirmation and Graduation information will be forthcoming as the events draw near.
We are really looking forward to sharing in these special events with your students.
In Jesus name, Monsignor Smetanka Mrs. Waid Mrs. Nesom Ms. Kaiser