With School Year 2024-2025 reenrollment well underway, we want to take a moment to thank those families who have already reenrolled their children for the next school year.
As mentioned in the tuition agreement that is included in the FACTS registration documents this year, all families are strongly encouraged to apply for tuition assistance through the FACTS Financial Aid portal. That said, we were just notified on Thursday that the Archdiocese moved up the application window for tuition assistance with a new application deadline of February 19, 2024. All applications for tuition assistance must be submitted with all supporting documentation (a complete copy of your 2022 tax return is required) AND the signed pastor verification letter received by the school no later than February 19, 2024 in order to be eligible for tuition assistance for the 24-25 school year. No extensions of that deadline will be considered. To apply, please log into your FACTS Payment Plan/Financial Aid account and begin the application process. If you have any questions as you complete the application, please contact the FACTS support team at 866-441-4637 and they are standing by to assist.
Attached to this email are two documents, 1. A parent information document providing information regarding the tuition assistance application process for this year and, 2. A copy of the required pastor verification letter required for all Catholic families who apply for tuition assistance. Again, the pastor verification letter must be received in the School or Parish Office prior to February 19th so we can verify receipt on the FACTS Tuition Assistance Portal before the end of the day on the 19th.
For non-Catholic families who apply for tuition assistance, the pastor verification letter is not required however, the application deadline is also February 19. As pointed out in the attached parent information document, limited funds are made available through the Archdiocese of Detroit for those non-Catholic families who apply and have a demonstrated need.
We apologize for the late notice regarding the accelerated application window this year and stand by to assist in any way possible.