I would like you to join me in prayer for the victims of the shooting and their families, as well as all the students and staff at Michigan State University as they work through this senseless violence. May God guide them through the loss or injury of loved ones and give them strength to face today. May God hold them close in His hand and heart, giving them His abundant love and comfort. For our families who have children, siblings, family members and friends at MSU, I pray for their physical safety and mental health as they face today and the days to come. Because incidents such as this can cause heightened anxiety and sadness, please know that Mrs. Vlahantones, Mrs. Waid, and all our teachers are here to help our Star students work through the fears and anxiety these senseless acts of violence may cause. We are not sharing details of the event in our elementary and middle schools however, do not hesitate to reach out to us if you feel your student may need some extra TLC or someone to talk to.
These incidents bring to mind the need to reconfirm the safety of our school. Please know that:
All doors into the school are locked at all times
Doors from The Pointe into the school are locked at all times
Except during Mass on Fridays, the doors from the Church into The Pointe are locked
During school hours, all visitors to the school must enter through the school office
School office entry door has a camera so we can see who is at the entry door before giving access to the school
All exterior doors have security cameras inside the school
Exterior security cameras are located by all exterior doors
The school practices Lockdown drills in case of a violent intruder in the school
We are reexamining our safety protocols for our school Masses
The safety of our students and staff are at the forefront of our minds always.
Over the coming days and weeks, please keep the victims of the MSU shooting and their families in your prayers, particularly those in our Grosse Pointe communities. God bless our Star families and community. Mrs. Meghan Carter-Waid - Principal