Dear Parents, In the past, the Archdiocese of Detroit’s Department of Catholic Schools required that our students take the Religion Assessment each year to assist us in understanding and supporting our students’ learning of the Catholic Faith, and to ensure that our classroom instruction is aligned to the standards in the Archdiocese of Detroit’s Religion Curriculum. At the onset of the pandemic, the Department of Catholic Schools paused the Religion Assessment and formed a committee comprising principals and Religion teachers to review the Religion Assessment before reinstating it once again. This review was completed at the end of last school year.
Therefore, this fall, all students in grades 1-8 will take the Religion Assessment, which is aligned to the Archdiocese of Detroit’s Religion Curriculum.
The results have no impact (positive or negative) on their grade in the classroom. The purpose of this assessment is to assist your child’s teacher in identifying which grade-level Religion standards your child has mastered and which grade-level Religion standards need to be reinforced and/or supported this school year. This data will assist your child’s teacher in tailoring his or her classroom instruction to the needs of the students in the classroom.
The results will be reported to the school and the Department of Catholic Schools to ensure that our students are fully supported in their learning of the Catholic Faith. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. God Bless, Mrs. Meghan Carter-Waid - Principal